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Posted on en English-Inteview

If it is not true it is not interesting

Inteview to Richard Lewontin Published in El Aromo nº43, July/August 2008 CEICS: -Why did you choose biology as a research field? Was the election related with political influences or the environment of social struggle in USA? Which were your major intellectual and/or political influences? Lewontin: -I became a professional biologist… Seguir leyendo

Posted on en English-industry

Where did Braverman go wrong? A Marxist response to the politicist critiques – by Eduardo Sartelli and Marina Kabat

by Eduardo Sartelli1 and Marina Kabat2. Cadernos EBAPE. BR 12.4 (2014): 829-850. Braverman is considered an unquestionable reference of Marxist labour process. The objective of this paper is to show that despite Braverman’s undeniable achievements he forsakes the classical Marxist notions related to work organization, i. e. simple cooperation, manufacture… Seguir leyendo

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