Razón y Revolución is a organization from Argentina, that confronts bourgeois ideology in every area of social life. Our objective is the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge on human society. For this purpose, the organization publishes Razón y Revolución, which is a Marxist and socialist magazine that includes articles written by its research groups and the most outstanding articles on Argentinian Marxism and Marxism worldwide. It also publishes El Aromo, which is a monthly cultural journal aimed at a non-academic public. RyR has its own publisher, Ediciones ryr, that prints classical Marxist works and history, sociology and art books. RyR’s scientific production is developed at the CEICS (Center for Study and Research in Social Sciences) which has research groups formed by specialists in fields such as Argentinian history, class struggle, economics, working class topics, the petite bourgeoisie, leftist parties, desaparecidos [people abducted and killed by the state during the last dictatorship], education and art. RyR also organizes dissemination activities, including seminars and university courses and different courses at grassroots assemblies, trade unions and other organizations that are characterized by their social struggle.
A breeding ground. Hunger and poverty in the USA before the pandemic
This pandemic comes to the United States at a time in which millions of people are in extreme poverty and misery, unable to feed themselves, living on the streets. The real virus that kills is capitalism. Pablo Estere OES-CEICS Throughout the world, the ongoing suffering of the working class became…
A new beginning. For an International Congress of the Socialist and Revolutionary Left
The working class has never had a greater opportunity to seize power in Latin America and, at the same time, it has never been so defused. The Socialist struggle has everything in order to advance, but it cannot take the most basic steps forward. The capitalist crisis that began in…
For a socialist solution in Venezuela
By Eduardo Sartelli – Venezuela is not experiencing a tragedy. The gods of the capricious Olympus are not the ones who had forced it to choose between the imperialism and the most debased of the Latin American bourgeoisies. Chavism is responsible. A dictatorship that kills workers, starves its people and sullies…
XI Conference Historical Social Research of CEICS – Second Call
– Second Call – XI Conference Historical Social Research of CEICS I International Meeting of the Revolutionary Left ************** Where are we? The Revolutionary Left and the class struggle in the world today Buenos Aires, from September 1 to 3 of 2016 The world burns: Africa is affected by the…
Interview to Ken Loach – by Marina Kabat
“I hope my films leave a feeling of anger” Ken Loach Interview by Marina Kabat (CEICS – Razón y Revolución) Published in El Aromo, september 2008 You have defended the Trotsky-Breton manifest and trotskist idea that the party shouldn’t have a determine position in art. That is that the…
Divided and defeated – By Federico Genera
Divided and defeated Last presidential elections marked the begining of the end for the political alliance which governed the country for more than a decade. Kirchnerism is becoming part of the past: its political staff began running away and the breaks soon arrived. In this article we examine the details…
Prelude to Storm- By Damian Bil
The economic measures taken by Macri appear to break with the kircherist inheritance. Beyond the different social alliances behind each political framework, the measures were not marked by supposedly opposing economic programs (wich are not really that) but by the world economic situation. Damian Bil (OME-CEICS) The various signs of…
Worse than in the 90’s – Nicolás Villanova
The “K” heritage and the social bases for the rearrangement of the picket movement. Some argue that with the victory of macrism the country will return to the 90’s. However, an examination of the main social and labour market indicators shows that in despite of the “K tale” we are…
“There is a certain desire to read Trotsky in such an anti-Stalinist way that he is turned into a bourgeois liberal.” Presentation of «Literature and Revolution» at the National Library of the Argentine Republic.
Translated by Alejo Stark These are fragments of the presentation of our edition of Literature and Revolution which was attended by the translator of the book, Alejandro Gonzalez, as well as by Miguel Vedda and Eduardo Sartelli. Horacio González was not able to make it to the presentation due to…
The Inheritance (part II) – by Eduardo Sartelli
Translated by Alejo Stark The left and the Kirchnerist “legacy” in the field of cultural struggle The “Kirchnerist (K) fairy tale” (or “el relato K”), the idea that the country is being contested by the austerity of the right and the nationalism and populism of the left, reproduces that same…
Overtime. The political crisis in Greece – Nadia Bustos
The situation is bogged down. There’s a tie between classes. The bourgeoisie, for now, cannot lead a way out and only tries to win time by promising inviable reformisms or trying to reach an agreement on impossible and ineffective adjustments. The working class barely outlines a way out of its…
One more step. Syria: social decay and civil war – Nadia Bustos
Translated by Manuel Seguez Ocantos Syria has become a disputed scenario for the local and international burgeoisie. The military confrontation between global powers may lead into a clash that can exceed the region. This works as an example of the barbarism resultant from the development of capitalism. By Nadia…
Brazil on the edge of the cliff – By Nicolás Grimaldi
PT’s prospects in the face of crisis The magnitude of the Brazilian crisis seems to have no precedents and no immediate limit either. Everything seems to indicate an obscure future for Brazilian capitalism. The spiral of adjustment can only be broken by the general uprising and unity of the employed…
XI Conference Historical Social Research of CEICS – I International Meeting of the Revolutionary Left
– Call for papers – XI Conference Historical Social Research of CEICS I International Meeting of the Revolutionary Left Where are we? The Revolutionary Left and the class struggle in the world today Buenos Aires, from September 1 to 3 of 2016 The world burns: Africa is affected by the…
Socialism or Barbarism. The Syrian migrants’ crisis and the capitalist decomposition – by Eduardo Sartelli
Finally, that motionless little body is the end point of the historical impotence of a working class that, from Arab nationalism to religious fundamentalism, hasn’t been able to build a party that would propose a revolutionary solution. By Eduardo Sartelli – Director of CEICS (In El Aromo n° 86 Rumbo a la…
Sour Sweetness. The Left attacks the heart of Argentine capitalism – by Santiago Ponce
LAP (Political Analysis Lab) – CEICS (Center for Study and Research in Social Sciences) One of the arguments usually put forth by the enemies of the working class is that the left does not win elections and has a minimal presence in the workers’ movement. In the best of cases,…
From structural breakage to political reintegration of the working class: Relative surplus population layers in Argentina and their involvement in the piquetero movement – by Marina Kabat
Abstract: In this paper, we examine the different layers of the relative surplus population in Argentina and the development of the Argentinian piquetero movement, which tried to establish an alliance between employed and unemployed workers. We highlight the potentialities and the limits of this initiative, especially regarding the organisation and…
If it is not true it is not interesting
Inteview to Richard Lewontin Published in El Aromo nº43, July/August 2008 CEICS: -Why did you choose biology as a research field? Was the election related with political influences or the environment of social struggle in USA? Which were your major intellectual and/or political influences? Lewontin: -I became a professional biologist…
Putting the blame on Imperialism – by Ianina Harari
On the development of the automotive industries in Argentina and Brazil and foreign companies. By Ianina Harari – (Translated by Leonardo Kosloff) The theory of imperialism can sometimes be a good excuse to justify ignorance. There have been attempts at explaining the economic problems in countries of late development by…
Where did Braverman go wrong? A Marxist response to the politicist critiques – by Eduardo Sartelli and Marina Kabat
by Eduardo Sartelli1 and Marina Kabat2. Cadernos EBAPE. BR 12.4 (2014): 829-850. Braverman is considered an unquestionable reference of Marxist labour process. The objective of this paper is to show that despite Braverman’s undeniable achievements he forsakes the classical Marxist notions related to work organization, i. e. simple cooperation, manufacture…
Fantasies of the Past. What the «imports subsitution industrialization»; was, and what it wasn´t – By Damian Bil
Damián Bil OME – CEICS (Marxist Economics Observatory – Center for Study and Research in Social Sciences) During the second half of the 19th century, Argentina inserted itself in the world market as an exporter of agricultural products. The soil fertility, the abundance of ample extensions of land close to…