English - página 2
Razón y Revolución is a cultural organization from Argentina, that confronts bourgeois ideology in every area of social life. Our objective is the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge on human society. For this purpose, the organization publishes Razón y Revolución, which is a Marxist and socialist magazine that includes articles written by its research groups and the most outstanding articles on Argentinian Marxism and Marxism worldwide. It also publishes El Aromo, which is a monthly cultural journal aimed at a non-academic public. RyR has its own publisher, Ediciones ryr, that prints classical Marxist works and history, sociology and art books. RyR’s scientific production is developed at the CEICS (Center for Study and Research in Social Sciences) which has research groups formed by specialists in fields such as Argentinian history, class struggle, economics, working class topics, the petite bourgeoisie, leftist parties, desaparecidos [people abducted and killed by the state during the last dictatorship], education and art. RyR also organizes dissemination activities, including seminars and university courses and different courses at grassroots assemblies, trade unions and other organizations that are characterized by their social struggle. Website: Razón y Revolución on facebook (In Spanish):