English-Inteview - Vía Socialista - RyR


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Interview to Ken Loach – by Marina Kabat

“I hope my films leave a feeling of anger” Ken Loach Interview by Marina Kabat (CEICS – Razón y Revolución) Published in El Aromo, september 2008   You have defended the Trotsky-Breton manifest and trotskist idea that the party shouldn’t have a determine position in art. That is that the… Seguir leyendo

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“There is a certain desire to read Trotsky in such an anti-Stalinist way that he is turned into a bourgeois liberal.” Presentation of «Literature and Revolution» at the National Library of the Argentine Republic.

Translated by Alejo Stark These are fragments of the presentation of our edition of Literature and Revolution which was attended by the translator of the book, Alejandro Gonzalez, as well as by Miguel Vedda and Eduardo Sartelli. Horacio González was not able to make it to the presentation due to… Seguir leyendo

Posted on en English-Inteview

If it is not true it is not interesting

Inteview to Richard Lewontin Published in El Aromo nº43, July/August 2008 CEICS: -Why did you choose biology as a research field? Was the election related with political influences or the environment of social struggle in USA? Which were your major intellectual and/or political influences? Lewontin: -I became a professional biologist… Seguir leyendo

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